Thursday, February 16, 2006

introduction: beginning of nothing

HEY whats going on my first post, for a long time i've been waitng for this moment for a week. u dont even kno man. Alright lets get down to the nitty gritty, what you all been waiting for:(yep I used a colon. u guys kno that band The Used? i cant get into that im in a parenthese, my ADD at work there FOR U!!) my name is not jerry gardener it is Robert James Cozzarelli but call me tito for short. that all im going to tell u bout myself as far as specifics go. FD3, not a chemical symbol but a abrev. see that i abbreviated the word abbrevation. U cant Do it! but back to the topic final destination 3 is the horror/comedy of 06 say roger ebert. I better tell u he did not really say this because i might get hit in head by a google of lawsuits with the force behind it of my punch when Kevin fry steals my fries at ski club. ski club is for another time but i do want to get back to how i said fries and fry in the same sentence w/o an effort like in ms maloney 2nd period spanish 3 class. alright good talk' ill see you out there


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