Final thoughts b4 i fill my head w/ trival info from game shows...
warning This post was a series of unrelated tangents in which are other tangents. Good, now that we have that out of the way there is nothing left to say except to make the declaration that MTV is the anti-christ and is taking over th world until the 2nd coming of music videos which MTV(Music TeleVision may I remind you) has remove all of from thier playlist IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN... It has come to my attention that 666 has air a certain show called Your Mother actually lets pick this apart like were in 7th period chemistry class with the infamous doctor nick, I know its boring but leads to better understanding which is hard to get to with True Life and back to back Tiara Girls on(shake ur head and say "so bad" twice and sigh loudly(not too loud tho)). you cant really call it a show b/c that would implied plot and various other literal structures so for now we'll go directly to the pop culture thesaurus look up yo momma... and here it is the first word is trainwreck. This trainwreck of a time slot sucks you in with the explicit un-ghetto vibe youll sit there unable to take your eyes off the screen like when you see a male uhg (noun form of ugly) trying real hard with a, well ukno... then u see fes (foriegn exchange student)talking like he is black, no,no more like he saw a black person in a movie once and you realize two things: 1. this guys name is wilmer 2. and the real problem in this world is... you cant remember last movie catherine zeta-jones was in excepted for Entrapment with sean connery who was james bond- wondering what was the name of the guy who's playing james bond in the one coming out soon. Then you snap out of it and try to find out how your mind got to be on great britian's spy, running through it- james bond-sean connery-entrapment-cathrine zeta-jones-the problem with the world and you realize that MTV could never stimulate such thoughts alone and a revelation comes upon you that this blog was right MTV is satan. you take the revelation too far and turn into a 35 year-old democrat that spends thier free time going to protests and writing obscenely long letters to the people in office bitching about sex and violence on the tube worrying bout whether or not that politican gave the letter sincere thought when everyone around you is doing things that reep real benefits while telling you they dont even read it they get some one to do that for them. You dont listen while ur kids are being raised by no one then one day you snap assinate a politician spending the rest of your days in jail crying urself to sleep the nights that you arent getting raped. so listen up(here come the theme of the post) cause u cant say nothin (that's what happens when you watch MTV's yo momma) i turn u off with push of my button!.....(the end)
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