Friday, July 07, 2006

my 15 min of fame were stolen in an interview CNN refused to air with anderson cooper 360 concerning who'd I b if i were on MTV's: Y Can't I B U

After the hiatus of a century(not storm of a century which i was recently informed has made its debut on TNT yes the only cable network that knows DRAMA) jerry has returned. If you pay attention or forward you kno that I once had my eye on a clerk profession at the local hallmark. That didnt work out 4 me so when the time and my mom came to get on my ass I did a 180 ollie kickflip and tried to apply for a night stalker job at the local kroger only to be let down by the fact I did not fullfill the age requirement 18 which I will be in 2 months... That attempt bought me a good week but just like any crack addict jane was intent on more. Which brings me to my latest sudoku of an attempt(and i might add my finest) my next target, and if you believe that to be a pun ur fatally wrong b/c i have 2 much r-e-s-p-e-c-t for such a store, is blockbuster. the application process said to take 45 min to complete in full just so happens to be taking me a little bit longer than average(2 hrs), this could be due to the fact im sleep deprived or b/c im still on the first Q cause i dont, and no one else in the world, knows their socialsecurity# off the top of their head unless ur relocated 4 ur protection by the gov. i.e. Aronald Swarzeneger where in your new home u relieze for the 3rd day in a row theres not a bar of soap in the shower and u just wish that that person u share the bathroom w/ would take care of it for once so u start a mental war of attrition with her but I cant be sure if my sister has even noticed or has an inkling of what the hell is going on. lately I have fallen victim to a violent spurt of insomnia having staying awake till, at the minium, 4 in the mo, fo the past 3 nights. Rite now 5 in the morn is rapidly approaching and im beginning to feel the aftermath of the X i slipped into my drink with the stealth of Tom MI 1,2, and 3 combined. Now as i am presently in the motion of passing out in front of my personal computer ill review my anticipation to see a film coming to a theater near you that looks to be the end of a career that many have adored, but not I, the motion pic. could be none other than Snakes on a Plane the career funeral directer, sam L jackson's manager.


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