A prayer that you dont run in to unintended, unnecessary, and loud ppl at a theater near you
I recently went to starplex (formerly known as Movies 12 at mill run)to see the Pirates of the Carribien sequel. I would tell what i thought of it but ur probably still in a hallucenagenic state of shock that at Movies 12 is no longer with us. U may also come to me and say if this is true why does it still say Movies 12 outside? But mr Danny steele will tell u since he saw superman and PotC on the same day at starplex that if u go online the world wide web and surf right down through the wire youll find that this installment of cinemark is no longer listed. Ill keep my review of PotC short to 2 main points it is dull and there will be a trillogy(terrible decision). Let me just put a plug out there for will ferrel and his new one coming out Talidagan nights, it looks like a classic. NASCAR has had that comin to em for a while and im sure Will will make it sting in their faces like that one kid at prom that got sprayed with mase after going a little too far in a dance that not even rob kelly would approve of. My third attempt at a job was thawrted 4 times. It seems like blockB was fairly adament about not allowing such an intrusion for I was denied within .0547 seconds after every effort(next time you google sumthin check the stats!!!!). I went so far as to bring in the minority effect(hispanic decent) but looking back that only harmed my chances. So after 3 diff endeavors to obtain an employment post at the same stip mall, i believe there are only 5 more stores at this location none of which i really desire, i must move on. A change of pace and time leads to a story in which everything is real and has not been altered in any way, shape, or form. I made the mistake of going to concert where the people attending can only be label for individual resale as baked and prebaked, and no, to any of you who fit the following desciption age:15-18 who go to campus every friday night and cant wait for someone to care bout what ur doin so you call people and inform them on a scale of 1 to 10( 10 being the highest) how drunk you are at the very moment, IT WAS NOT DMB!! At this event a man blatantly and unlike the stereotypical DARE high pressure situation, lightheartedly pulled off his sweaty shoe removed a for the most part an illegal substance rolled a joint and offered a hit irresponsibly to anyone within armlength (most refused)when the offer came to me he gave me a smile and then I reliezed he looked remarkably like baby enduring a violent seizure, that guys appearance made my year(so if you cant play purple haze while lighting ur giutar into a firery inferno dont even bother to talk to me till 007) and well after that you can fill in the blanks.
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