Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Michigan, Shimichigan

as you all know the ohio state michigan game is rapidly approaching and it looks like a game for the ages. I mean you'd have to be crazy to miss it. so all i can say is

ps. click on the rectangle, man

GO BUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The red pill or the blue pill? The problem is choice.

With the midterm elections coming up and I finally coming of age to have my say... wait I do believe voting is a minority right. right? so racist! Some say that ski club is coming up which has rapidly consumed my everythought but do not get it confused with cancer-causing agents such as watching me at the Y. for human bio students thats YMCA____ botany- young mans christian assiocation. but going any further might cause u to hyper-venilate destroying brain cells and giving you the big C again which a recent study printed in the Eagleview proved that... cancer is in the water...atheists r likely 2 die young... sumthing of that effect. blogging is not my forte but what i saw today deserved mention, while at the y trying not to look redick lifting surounded by pro bod buildrs on all sides I spotted 4, again 4 ppl with red hair i was frightened a bit because as evryone knows these people are of irish decent the same decent as fortold of the antichrist. I was also caught off guard by this because i had been informed that there could not be more than 18 redheds at my school. So I split out of there after 7 but before 10. Savor that one! cause my bowling cracks are done until certain people push the envo and go to try outs for a free game. this just needs to end but as i said im am not the greatest at this, so i will keep it going just to say that i could and that im insecure about the fact that i dont kno what to think about the movie The Inside Man. However, my mother is going crazy about some fotos she found, of years in my life i had so gladly forgotten but the copies have been made and im sure that theyll be formatted into your annual christmas card. after this I will have to go into hiding in plain view and I will be forced to go to Kent State after being turned down by every other U for sending a Christmas Gram inplace of an application.

Pat Welsh we need your van.

Monday, October 30, 2006

a little anger, a little truth, a little POTATOE FAMINE!?!

so now that the season is over, free time is going to be in xcesss,,, yessss!!(no.) I was thinking about resuming that search for employment.
Yea, yea Ive got sum ideas, an inside source at TJ Max told me bout an opportunity but that would be the last thing I want to get into with deciding wether or not to dress up at school. its like being stuck between micheal mendoza and a hard place, if you wear a costume ur a tool, if you dont "ur no fun, haha..." dont u just hate those people who critize you through hIlarious clippings and afterwards ur dieing to say "What are you? - A fucking comic? - I dont give a shit what you think. I dont like you." but then you remeber that there's a party this weekend that 400 ppl are going to even tho it is undoubtably impossible to have that many people in one house, with enough air to beathe for everyone, without the cops being called... but Oh no, no, no. It's GOING TO HAPPEN!!
Some how this makes everything alright in ppl lives, this PRAYER of a PARTY. Sometimes I wonder if im the only one not wearing a striped shirt for christ's sake.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

the smell of my antics,,, reseaching the flow

the first day of school approaches and everyone has an opinion to input into our memory banks bout how "spiderman 3 looks really good, yea". anyway a lot has happened since last entry by that i mean the incident known only as the st.bren fest an abstract situation i just utterly refuse to get into, Plans have been made that i also will not discuss (expection would be name - operation. no midnite snack, no gnome) due to guilt by association. And therefore because i am not eric forrest and dont have the life portrayed in the thiller Crank i guess i dont have much to inform about so like i always do ill just poke fun at fat women so when marykate olsen gets out of rehab shell be able to blame someone. wow, i took a break during this one b/c the feeling lefted me in the middle of everything and of course nothing is relevant and quickwitted like joke about someones mom but they have lefted me as well so i concluded with Roberts rd and how a house is right there like on jay leno when mr letterman shows in the media!! Uggghhh>>..... terrible.

Friday, July 07, 2006

A prayer that you dont run in to unintended, unnecessary, and loud ppl at a theater near you

I recently went to starplex (formerly known as Movies 12 at mill run)to see the Pirates of the Carribien sequel. I would tell what i thought of it but ur probably still in a hallucenagenic state of shock that at Movies 12 is no longer with us. U may also come to me and say if this is true why does it still say Movies 12 outside? But mr Danny steele will tell u since he saw superman and PotC on the same day at starplex that if u go online the world wide web and surf right down through the wire youll find that this installment of cinemark is no longer listed. Ill keep my review of PotC short to 2 main points it is dull and there will be a trillogy(terrible decision). Let me just put a plug out there for will ferrel and his new one coming out Talidagan nights, it looks like a classic. NASCAR has had that comin to em for a while and im sure Will will make it sting in their faces like that one kid at prom that got sprayed with mase after going a little too far in a dance that not even rob kelly would approve of. My third attempt at a job was thawrted 4 times. It seems like blockB was fairly adament about not allowing such an intrusion for I was denied within .0547 seconds after every effort(next time you google sumthin check the stats!!!!). I went so far as to bring in the minority effect(hispanic decent) but looking back that only harmed my chances. So after 3 diff endeavors to obtain an employment post at the same stip mall, i believe there are only 5 more stores at this location none of which i really desire, i must move on. A change of pace and time leads to a story in which everything is real and has not been altered in any way, shape, or form. I made the mistake of going to concert where the people attending can only be label for individual resale as baked and prebaked, and no, to any of you who fit the following desciption age:15-18 who go to campus every friday night and cant wait for someone to care bout what ur doin so you call people and inform them on a scale of 1 to 10( 10 being the highest) how drunk you are at the very moment, IT WAS NOT DMB!! At this event a man blatantly and unlike the stereotypical DARE high pressure situation, lightheartedly pulled off his sweaty shoe removed a for the most part an illegal substance rolled a joint and offered a hit irresponsibly to anyone within armlength (most refused)when the offer came to me he gave me a smile and then I reliezed he looked remarkably like baby enduring a violent seizure, that guys appearance made my year(so if you cant play purple haze while lighting ur giutar into a firery inferno dont even bother to talk to me till 007) and well after that you can fill in the blanks.

my 15 min of fame were stolen in an interview CNN refused to air with anderson cooper 360 concerning who'd I b if i were on MTV's: Y Can't I B U

After the hiatus of a century(not storm of a century which i was recently informed has made its debut on TNT yes the only cable network that knows DRAMA) jerry has returned. If you pay attention or forward you kno that I once had my eye on a clerk profession at the local hallmark. That didnt work out 4 me so when the time and my mom came to get on my ass I did a 180 ollie kickflip and tried to apply for a night stalker job at the local kroger only to be let down by the fact I did not fullfill the age requirement 18 which I will be in 2 months... That attempt bought me a good week but just like any crack addict jane was intent on more. Which brings me to my latest sudoku of an attempt(and i might add my finest) my next target, and if you believe that to be a pun ur fatally wrong b/c i have 2 much r-e-s-p-e-c-t for such a store, is blockbuster. the application process said to take 45 min to complete in full just so happens to be taking me a little bit longer than average(2 hrs), this could be due to the fact im sleep deprived or b/c im still on the first Q cause i dont, and no one else in the world, knows their socialsecurity# off the top of their head unless ur relocated 4 ur protection by the gov. i.e. Aronald Swarzeneger where in your new home u relieze for the 3rd day in a row theres not a bar of soap in the shower and u just wish that that person u share the bathroom w/ would take care of it for once so u start a mental war of attrition with her but I cant be sure if my sister has even noticed or has an inkling of what the hell is going on. lately I have fallen victim to a violent spurt of insomnia having staying awake till, at the minium, 4 in the mo, fo the past 3 nights. Rite now 5 in the morn is rapidly approaching and im beginning to feel the aftermath of the X i slipped into my drink with the stealth of Tom MI 1,2, and 3 combined. Now as i am presently in the motion of passing out in front of my personal computer ill review my anticipation to see a film coming to a theater near you that looks to be the end of a career that many have adored, but not I, the motion pic. could be none other than Snakes on a Plane the career funeral directer, sam L jackson's manager.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Final thoughts b4 i fill my head w/ trival info from game shows...

warning This post was a series of unrelated tangents in which are other tangents. Good, now that we have that out of the way there is nothing left to say except to make the declaration that MTV is the anti-christ and is taking over th world until the 2nd coming of music videos which MTV(Music TeleVision may I remind you) has remove all of from thier playlist IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN... It has come to my attention that 666 has air a certain show called Your Mother actually lets pick this apart like were in 7th period chemistry class with the infamous doctor nick, I know its boring but leads to better understanding which is hard to get to with True Life and back to back Tiara Girls on(shake ur head and say "so bad" twice and sigh loudly(not too loud tho)). you cant really call it a show b/c that would implied plot and various other literal structures so for now we'll go directly to the pop culture thesaurus look up yo momma... and here it is the first word is trainwreck. This trainwreck of a time slot sucks you in with the explicit un-ghetto vibe youll sit there unable to take your eyes off the screen like when you see a male uhg (noun form of ugly) trying real hard with a, well ukno... then u see fes (foriegn exchange student)talking like he is black, no,no more like he saw a black person in a movie once and you realize two things: 1. this guys name is wilmer 2. and the real problem in this world is... you cant remember last movie catherine zeta-jones was in excepted for Entrapment with sean connery who was james bond- wondering what was the name of the guy who's playing james bond in the one coming out soon. Then you snap out of it and try to find out how your mind got to be on great britian's spy, running through it- james bond-sean connery-entrapment-cathrine zeta-jones-the problem with the world and you realize that MTV could never stimulate such thoughts alone and a revelation comes upon you that this blog was right MTV is satan. you take the revelation too far and turn into a 35 year-old democrat that spends thier free time going to protests and writing obscenely long letters to the people in office bitching about sex and violence on the tube worrying bout whether or not that politican gave the letter sincere thought when everyone around you is doing things that reep real benefits while telling you they dont even read it they get some one to do that for them. You dont listen while ur kids are being raised by no one then one day you snap assinate a politician spending the rest of your days in jail crying urself to sleep the nights that you arent getting raped. so listen up(here come the theme of the post) cause u cant say nothin (that's what happens when you watch MTV's yo momma) i turn u off with push of my button!.....(the end)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

One Night I Need To Forget/ Forgo/ Forgive ------ things for future times

the Night started with BANG! Yea i got u there. pretty scary, eh. I was called to see if i wanted to go ice skating, witch I, of course, did not. When i arrive at skate rink i payed 5.50 to fall on my ass which is anyone's idea of good time. I was asked what size of skate i would like, to which i replied 11, my shoe size, but to follow my request would be too mundane for the employee so she consequencly issued me a 9 1/2 -alright I will now be looking at these events in retrospect because i have return from a 2 week hiatus from my blog- when i realized her mistake I asked her to correct it and she replied "just try to loosen the laces" SHOT DOWN I did so and was in pain for the rest of the night- no confontation my num 1 policy. after a few laps christian got kicked out for pushing John young to the wery ice beneath our feet( which leads me to the question that movie buffs have asked for an eternity(2001) What Lies Beneath?-) where john cut chirstian's leg w/ the blade of his skate It bled like lance armstrong in the tour de france. i am truely sorry for that last one like I made the WB apologize for Monisha and BET for girlfriends. have you ever seen the movie october sun, yea, me niether Sooooo as of 2 28 06 i have turned in my application and am waiting to hear back from hallmark if I have a job. I dont need hallmark, I just want it; u kno what i mean? its kind of like billy crystal and robert deniro in anyalis this/that was it needed? no (though one might argue)was it wanted? well not really, bad analogy

PS: AppleBees and the infarred possum will clash